可選擇A--E各項療效 Various Acupuncture Treatments |
有助改善/加強人體健康 Helpful in improving |
適合關注范圍 Aapplications |
A療效 Treatment A |
調節全身功能 / 腦神經及全身神經系統 Autonomic Nervous System |
增強記憶、集中注意力、專注力;改善:各種痛癥、肌肉關節退化、失眠、免疫力、頭痛、易生病或易疲勞、精神緊張、自律神經失調、腦退化、自閉;提高心、肝、脾、肺、腎、腦、肌肉、關節健康及供血;慢性足部、更年期障礙、修復腦細胞受損、、耳健康、視力問題;改善:肌肉、關節僵硬、乏力、疼痛、勞損、麻痹(如手腳僵硬乏力);血糖血壓等問題、幫助全身血液循環、改善血管硬化老化,減慢人體老化退化....... 特別適合:帕金森病問題、腦退化、中風后遺癥、耳問題、心腦血管問題等 Immunity system, fatigue, insomnia, headache,proneness to illness, pain, mental stress, chronic foot nerve palsy, facial nerve palsy, menopause. It can add strenght to legs and enhance mobility. Release tension, slow down brain degeneration, strengthen the health of heart and brain, repairing brain cell damage, lessen stiffness of muscle and joints, Quench pain, numbness (eg. joint immobility) |
B療效 Treatment B |
調節消化系統功能 Digestive System |
有助于維持血糖平衡、改善肝臟及腸胃健康、尿酸偏高、便秘、消化不良、食欲不振、痔瘡等 Effective in curing constipation, dyspepsia, loss of appetite, hemorrhoids. Enhance sugar metabolism, improve liver function and the health of digestive system, balance uric acid. |
C療效 Treatment C |
調節循環系統 / 耳鼻喉系統 Circulatory System and Ear, Nose, & Throat System |
使血管暢通、全身循環良好,改善:血氧、血脂、膽固醇及血壓問題、血液粘稠、血液循環阻塞、暢通末梢神經循環不良、預防骨質問題及改善各種肌肉關節(退化、酸痛、僵硬、麻痹、浮腫等),頭痛、耳健康、暈眩、咽喉問題、近視、遠視、散光....... 特別適合:血壓問題、中風后遺癥、心臟健康等人士 Effect in curring hypotension, hyperlipidemia, blood viscosity, regulating bad peripheral microcirculation and blood circulation, preventing osteoporosis and foot degradation, insomnia, headache, qualm, pharyngolaryngitis, myopia, hypermetropic, enhance blood flow & Qi (energy) flow, regulate cholesterol, improve mobility of joints and muscle health (degeneration, pain, stiffness, numbness, swelling) |
D療效 Treatment D |
調節 荷爾蒙 / 淋巴腺 / 內分泌系統 Hormonal, Lymphatic Gland and Endocrine System |
內分泌失調、維持血糖平衡、肥胖、尿酸偏高、骨質問題及退化、更年期障礙、乳腺增生...... Endocrine disorders, balance blood glucose level, balance uric acid, osteoporosis and bone degeneration, menopausal disorders, breast hyperplasia. |
E療效 Treatment E |
增強呼吸系統功能 Respiratory System and Urinary & Reproductive System |
提高腎臟功能、改善:呼吸系統健康、前列腺問題、夜尿、尿頻、頑固性咳嗽、痛經、浮腫 Effect in curing intractable cough,edema, improve kidney function, improve health for the respiratory system, night urination and frequent urination. |